Mittwoch, 25. Juni 2014

Kaf Saidi from Upper Egypt

Ok.... you already know, that I love egyptian dance. As soon as I hear some music, I cannot stand still. I have to go up and dance.

Kaf Saidi is a typical dance of Upper Egypt. Kaf means "hand" and also "klapping". So, as the word says, kaf saidi is a dance using mostly klapping hands. Years before, kaf saidi used to be danced at different celebrations, maybe a wedding party. But the men who danced kaf saidi, were not professional dancers; they went to the party as friends and just to make some fun and to celebrate together with the people, they began dancing. Kaf saidi is danced by a small group of people forming a line. There is the leader in the center and outside you finde the "kafafa" - so are called the men on the two sides, following the movements of the leader.
Kaf saidi is danced basically to drum music - normally are used frame drums.

During our dance retreat we NEVER EVER will miss a kaf saidi at a hafla in the evening, because it is too funny and it makes you just feel good :-)


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